Dominican Nuns

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First Profession of Vows of Sr. Laetitia Maria

Our celebration of the Presentation of the Lord was marked in a very special way this year by the first profession of vows of Sr. Laetitia Maria of the Holy Spirit! The Eucharist began with a procession into chapel carrying freshly blessed candles, in which we were joined by her immediate family. As Pope Francis reminded us in a homily for the day, in the Christian East this day is also called the “feast of the encounter.” In a particularly close way, monastic life is a commitment to this daily, lifelong encounter with the Lord. As nuns, we seek to be attentive to the Holy Spirit—like Simeon and Anna—for the smallest signs of His Presence. Please pray for Sr. Laetitia Maria as she continues to follow Jesus in Dominican monastic life for the next three years.