Dominican Nuns

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Palm Sunday & Holy Week

We hope you have had a fruitful Lent, and would like to wish you a blessed Palm Sunday. As St. Andrew of Crete puts it so well in a homily for this Sunday:

When the pandemic began last year, we realized that many people would not be able to celebrate Holy Week in their usual communities of faith. We began to make recordings of our liturgy to share with you. As we know that in many places access to public worship is still highly limited, we’d like to share those with you again. Last year, we unfortunately ran out of time to make the final recording—a celebration of the Resurrection! This year, we’re going to finish the task, and will share the final hymn with you on Easter Sunday. Until then, we invite you to walk through Holy Week with our community. Please know that we are carrying you in our prayers in a very special way, and we look forward to the day when we can celebrate together “in-person” again. God bless.

Palm Sunday: “Hosanna to the Son of David”

Good Friday: The Reproaches

Holy Thursday: “We should Glory”

Holy Saturday: The Lamentations of Jeremiah