Dominican Nuns

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Christ is risen, Alleluia!

Dear friends,

Happy Easter, alleluia! May the joy and hope of our risen Christ be with you all. Here are a few photos from our preparations and celebration of the Paschal Triduum. We were praying with you and for you throughout, especially as we gathered around the Paschal fire at the beginning of the Vigil on Saturday. Wherever you are, however you are, may the joy of Eastertide fill your hearts and chase away any darkness or anxiety. The Easter Octave is a special celebration in the monastery. As we humans are creatures who exist in time, it takes time for the good news of the resurrection to sink in! For the liturgy, we pray the office of Easter Day—for the next eight days! We also take extra time for what St. Augustine called “holy leisure.” If the good weather continues, many sisters will be found this week in the garden or the forest (some with a shovel, some with a good book).

Stay safe, dear friends, and may God bless you and those you love as we celebrate His victory over sin and death—alleluia!