Nuns of the Order of Preachers
We are contemplative Nuns of the Order of Preachers, also known as Dominicans. Free for God alone, we associate our mission with the "holy Preaching" of our Father Dominic by the joyful witness of our lives.
Paradoxically, ours is a life of hidden fruitfulness. In solitude and silence we seek, ponder and call upon God so that "the Word proceeding from the mouth of God may not return to Him empty but may accomplish those things for which it was sent." (Is. 55:10) We offer a continual sacrifice of praise by our dedication to liturgical prayer, lectio divina, study and work. Our life is entirely shaped by the search for God, who promises that, “You will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord" (Jer. 29:12-14)
Our monastery is located amid the beautiful Coast Mountain wilderness just north of Squamish, British Columbia, Canada.
We provide a beautiful sacred space for individuals to pause and experience the ancient monastic rhythm, with its flow of liturgical prayer and silence.
Learn more about who we are, what we do and ways you can help support our community.
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“The nuns offer a sacrifice of praise to God especially through the celebration of the liturgy in imitation of the Church in Jerusalem which was drawn together by the teaching of the Apostles and united in daily prayer (cf. Acts 2:42). ”